Animal physiotherapy (or rehabilitation as it is referred to in B.C.) aims to assist the body in healing itself by optimizing the natural healing process.
This can be achieved by the use of massage to improve circulation, reduce toxins and inflammation, and increase soft tissue extensibility, joint mobilization, stretching, improving range of motion (ROM), as well as the use of electrotherapies such as pulsed electro-magnetic field (PEMF) therapy and low-level laser.
The key to successful rehabilitation is using condition-specific exercises and site-specific techniques to allow progressive healing, to maintain and/or improve function, and to prevent further injury.
There are three main categories of massage:
Rehabilitation for specific pre- and post-operative conditions as well as dogs recovering from acute and/or chronic injuries;
Performance for show dogs and sporting dogs;
Maintenance for general well-being and sustaining an overall standard of health for puppies, older dogs and all ages inbetween.